Friday, April 24, 2009

Just another rant

So this morning I was on the train on my way to work as I would be as usual, when I had a sudden flashback of my highschool days.

And it make me yearn to go back to those days. To do things differently.

To not laugh at the guy who tried so hard to please me.

To not have bitch fights in class.

To be aware of people who were going to hurt me.

To be aware of my actions that was going to hurt others.

To pay more attention in class.

To try not to get a red mark in my report card.

Then maybe I wouldn't have to leave. Maybe things would be different. Just maybe.

But then again, if that were to happen, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I wouldn't have learnt from my mistakes.

I wouldn't have known that there were countless jackasses in the world. Ok forget the world. Just this country alone.

I wouldn't have known what it felt like to leave something so precious behind, not knowing that I would never get it back.

I wouldn't have known how it feels to have so many people around me and yet feel so alone.

I wouldn't have known how to survive on my own.

I wouldn't have known the extent people go to to protect themselves.

I wouldn't have known what it feels like to be betrayed.

I wouldn't have learned to stand my ground.

It's cruel I know. No matter how hard you try to keep your life as simple as possible, it will never be as such. Life is what God gave us. And being very generous, he also threw in the world as a free gift. That includes other people, and other people includes all sorts of values, virtues and practices that aren't ours.

And therefore when they expect you to do something their way, it doesn't mean that they're being mean to you. It just means that well, they have different views. It can seem to be utter rubbish to one, but timely advise to another.

But if only everyone acknowkedges that there is this undeniable difference in the world, in each one of us, then maybe life wouldn't be so difficult for us all.

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