Thursday, May 28, 2009

I don't know where to hide my face....

So I thought I was good with computers.

Ok not computers to be exact. You know, some things to do with computers.

Like installing a stupid drive for my LAN connection. That sort.

Then I was literally forced into using Excel spreadsheets. Which I thought okay, its a bunch of columns with lots of numbers in it. NO?

I was messing around with it and couldn't get anywhere. So I called up my dude, figured he'd be more of a genius than I was at this........

Me: Hey can you help me with this Excel thing? I can't seem to see the numbers.

Him: What numbers?

Me: These columns are giving me stars!!!!!

Him: What stars?? *Lots of noise going around in the background. Must be real busy at work*

Me: OK not stars!! Those little hash things! They're not showing numbers!! *panics*

Him: Right, which columns are they on?

Me: What columns?

Him: Aiyooooooooooo.....*I should think that by this time he really thought I was stupid.* A, B, C, D, which one?

Me: Ohhhhh....C

Him: Double click the line between C and D.

Me: Double click?? What the??! (And there I was thinking "what is he trying to ask me to do????")

But I clicked anyway. Being the idiot that I am, I actually went WOWWWWWW when the figures popped out.

Ok this shows how stupid I am.

Anywayyys. The story continues. Yeah, it doesn't end here. Me and my superb brain right?

So I continues clicking away...still thinking that Excel is SOOoooooOOoo difficult to use. Can't blame me. I'm not trained to use this.

Phone rings again.

Me: Helloooo. HELP AGAIN!!!

Him: Ok. What now?

Me: How do I add those numbers up?

Him: *thinks that's not really a question*. What numbers? Click on an empty column....

Me: WHAT??! I have to alter the whole document?

Him: uhh-oh ok you just want to see the sum?

Me: Yah

Him: Select the numbers you want to add up....

Me: uh huh...done...

Him: It shows the sum added on the bottom left corner of the screen

Me: *stares into the screen*. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


It was really stressful.

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