Friday, March 6, 2009

Water, lifts and stairs

So recently the water supply was cut off from the place where I'm staying.

Not for a day.

5 days!

OK so I wasn't around during the weekend when it happened. So technically I only suffered for 4 days.

Sunday was good. There were a few buckets of water left. So the only time I needed water was to shower and brush my teeth for the night.

Life has never felt so cold. Not even winter in Leeds.

But then again who am I to blame? The water's gone off. Not the electricity. Didn't even cross my pea-brain to boil some water.

Never mind that. Life repeated itself again the next day.

And then the water ran out.

So armed with a bucket and keys, we (my dude and I) went down to the water hose to collect some water.

One bucket. It's not much. Filled it up, waited for the lift.

And wa-lah....the lifts broke down at that point.

Which, if you think about it, doesn't make such a big deal.

Not unless you're living on the 22nd FLOOR!!!

Ok, so fine. There were tonnes of other people waiting. So whatever. We weren't gonna wait the whole night for the damn lifts to repair itself (which it miraculously did after a day), so the stairs it was.

With a bucket of water.

No can do.

So since water was so VALUABLE and we couldn't let it go to waste, we thought, why not use it first?

Yup, so two officially self-proclaimed idiots were walking up 22 flights of stairs, drenched in water from the neck up.

Don't ask me how we did it. We just did. With no cramps whatsoever.

All for the love of a bucket of water. Which we didn't get in the end.

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