Thursday, June 10, 2010

I don't think anyone can understand how bored I am!

It's gotten to the point where I can sit and stare blanks at the screen.

And then I start thinking about going out, to malls....and then about stuff that I already have but still want to another pair of shoes, some random movie, an extra piercing perhaps? hmm....

Cookie ran away for the second time in three weeks. I think she's bored too. The last time she 'ran away', mom was freaking out at home, I was stuck at work and she on the other hand, ventured all the way to the guard house wagging her tail. That idiot of a dog.

So she did it again this morning. Only that she hasn't been found yet.


I think I will shop during lunch.

Being too bored is no good. I start thinking bout other stuff too.

I need a hug



  1. is bored the right word, or should it be lonely? we know how scary the loneliness and the boredom felt, but sometimes, we just cant get out of it right? stay strong, and pray, god will bless those who believe in him right?
